.. _rule-step-wizard-filter-data_future: ================================================ Rule Step Wizard Filter Data ================================================ .. list-table:: Status :header-rows: 1 * - Idea - Backend - API - UI Stub - UI Design - Limited Release - Production * - .. image:: /_static/product-guild/futures/stage-1-done.png - .. image:: /_static/product-guild/futures/stage-2-done.png - .. image:: /_static/product-guild/futures/stage-3-done.png - .. image:: /_static/product-guild/futures/stage-4-done.png - .. image:: /_static/product-guild/futures/stage-5-done.png - .. image:: /_static/product-guild/futures/stage-6-todo.png - .. image:: /_static/product-guild/futures/stage-7-todo.png Summary ========= Provides an interactive wizard to allow you to filter records as part of a rule step. Problem ========= Data often needs to be filtered as part of a rule, to includes or exclude certain data rows. You can currently create a Filter Rule step, but you have to enter code in the rule attribute box to define the filter. Solution ========= New rule step wizard using blocky design to allow data filters to interactively defined. Leverage the Magic =========================== Select Filter Data as the Rule type box and then open the wizard modal using the expand icon in the Rule attribute box. ADI ========= Whoot! Another interactive wizard to make transforming data simpler. Customer ========= Yay! No more having to remember the SQL syntax to filter data. Design ============ .. image:: https://storage.googleapis.com/agiledata-demo-interactive/rule-step-wizard-filter-data-design.png Prototype ============ `View prototype `_