.. _tile-track-and-trace_manage: ============================================================= Tile - Track and Trace ============================================================= Track and Trace is just like tracking a parcel through the postal network ... but, in our scenario we're tracking a value through a data pipeline If we look at the data-map for a history tile we can see the data flows through a concept and detail tile, then into a consume tile for our last mile tool. .. image:: https://storage.googleapis.com/docs-agiledata-io/product-guild/quickstart/agileData-app-network-partner-orientation/track-and-trace-001.png :width: 400px From the catalog we can select the source tile we want to trace a value from and select the Track and Trace menu .. image:: https://storage.googleapis.com/docs-agiledata-io/product-guild/quickstart/agileData-app-network-partner-orientation/track-and-trace-002.png :width: 400px By simply entering the value we want to search for, we can see that value flowing through all the downstream tiles - at this point we could use the results to trouble shoot any issues with the pipeline .. image:: https://storage.googleapis.com/docs-agiledata-io/product-guild/quickstart/agileData-app-network-partner-orientation/track-and-trace-003.png :width: 400px For example, if you know the value is present in the source tile, but it isnt found in the downstream detail tile then its likely the detail change rule is filtering that value out which is why it's not appearing in the downstream consume tile