.. _business-details-term: .. role:: concept .. role:: detail .. role:: event ========================== Business :detail:`Details` ========================== Business :detail:`Details` holds data that describes or provide context for the :concept:`Concepts` your organisation uses to describe things that are involved in business transactions facilitated by your organisation. Examples are: * :concept:`Customers` have details such as :detail:`name`, :detail:`address`; * :concept:`Products` have details such as name, :detail:`SKU`, :detail:`price`; * :concept:`Orders` have details such as :detail:`order date`, :detail:`quantity`, :detail:`order value`. Another way of identifying Business :detail:`Details`, is looking for the things the Organisation regularly wants to view counts and amounts by. For example: * How many :detail:`gold` :concept:`Customers` do we have? * How many :detail:`large` :concept:`Products` did we sell? * What is the total :detail:`value` of the :concept:`Orders` for this month? * What :concept:`Suppliers` have not :event:`Shipped` :detail:`on-time` this month? * Which :concept:`Employee` has taken more than :detail:`5` days :concept:`Annual Leave` this month. Business Detail Patterns ========================== AgileData.io is very flexible and allows you to name your Concepts, Details and Events in any way that makes sense to you or your organisation. Here are some common patterns we have seen. * Dealing with address data :ref:`address-pattern`