.. _2023-02-21-manage---tenancy-name-in-browser-title_release: ================================================================================= 2023-02-21 - Manage - Tenancy Name in Browser Title ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: App-Features* *Date: 2023-02-21* Problem ================== When you have multiple browser tabs/windows open with different AgileData tenancy on each tab/window, all the tabs/windows are named AgileData.io and so you can't tell which has which tenancy and so you have to page through the tabs/windows to find the tenancy you want. Solution ================== Add the Tenancy name to the Browser Title so it's easy to see which Tenancy is open, for example, AgileData.io (Public Data). Leverage the Magic ==================================== The Data Magicians see the Tenancy name when they use the browsers tab or window menu option. ADI ================== Whoot! We love making it easy to go anywhere from anywhere and this is another small change that makes that easier. Customer ================== Yay! Saves me time as I can go directly to the tenancy I want, rather than having to tab through all the open windows to find that Tenancy I need to work on. Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-03-02*