.. _2023-05-22-collect---third-party-data-collector-credentials_release: ================================================================================= 2023-05-22 - Collect - Third Party Data Collector Credentials ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: App-Features* *Date: 2023-05-22* Problem ================== When connecting an external data collection tool to a tenancy we need to provide a number of attributes to make a successful connection and collect the data. Solution ================== Provision a data collector service account, with the required permissions to collect data into AgileData. Expose the details for this account into the App so Data Magicians can simply copy/paste the details into the setup screens of their chosen data collector. Leverage the Magic ==================================== The details can be found in Manage > Data Connection ADI ================== Yaasss! That streamlines the process of using a data collector to get history data into AgileData. Customer ================== Kudos! That makes it easy to use third party data collectors. Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-03-02*