.. _2024-04-02-rollback-loads_release: ================================================================================= 2024-04-02 - Rollback Loads ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: App-Features* *Date: 2024-04-02* Problem ================== There is no way to remove data that has been incorrectly loaded into a History Tile. Solution ================== Add the ability for a Magican to rollback a specific Data Load from a History Tile. Included the ability to delete records or replay file loads. Leverage the Magic ==================================== From the Load History Modal for the Tile, use the Menu Anywhere option and select "Rollback load window to here" ADI will prompt you to select the rollback option you would like to invoke. ADI ================== Phenomenal! Data Magicians can no rollback History data on demand, and we doin;t need to do it for them. Customer ================== Superb! More data tasks I can do my self when I need to. Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-05-23*