.. _2024-07-13-bq-search-(tile-search)_release: ================================================================================= 2024-07-13 - BQ Search (Tile Search) ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: App-Features* *Date: 2024-07-13* Problem ================== The original data search feature which allows users to search for values inside a tile didn't work well with numerical fields (eg id's) and didnt allow searching for special characters in fields (eg 'ABC-123-BOB') Solution ================== A small update to the search pattern to lower case, convert to json, then wrap search in backticks .. this lets us search for dates and numbers and punctuation Leverage the Magic ==================================== Enhance an existing pattern to make it even more awesome! ADI ================== Phenomenal! Data Magicians can no rollback History data on demand, and we doin;t need to do it for them. Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-07-24*