.. _2024-07-13-risk-tags-(pii)_release: ================================================================================= 2024-07-13 - Risk Tags (PII) ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: App-Features* *Date: 2024-07-13* Problem ================== We capture the risk score for every tile and field, but historically we only exposed the tile level risk Solution ================== Now that tags are exposed on tiles, users can see the risk tags for individual fields, eg names and address fields will show a moderate-risk tag automatically Leverage the Magic ==================================== We simply expose the field level risk tags which were previously hidden ADI ================== Phenomenal! Data Magicians can no rollback History data on demand, and we doin;t need to do it for them. Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-07-24*