.. _2024-09-30-extract-json-from-string_release: ================================================================================= 2024-09-30 - Extract json from string ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: App-Features* *Date: 2024-09-30* Problem ================== A new customer sends us json payloads as string fields (csv files). To be able to access the attributes inside the json paylaod we need to 'unpack' it into separate columns. Solution ================== Deploy a new change rule type 'Extract JSON Values' which calls a new BQ function 'extract_json_values()' which takes a json (as string) column and creates the rule steps to extract all the attributes.... Leverage the Magic ==================================== We leverage a BQ javscript function to parse a json string and create a series of change rule steps automatically. ADI ================== Nice ! This saves me sooo much time creating lots of technical rule steps when i want to use source json attributes ! Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-10-29*