.. _2023-05-22-consume-config-orphaned_release: ================================================================================= 2023-05-22 - Consume Config Orphaned ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: Bug-Squash* *Date: 2023-05-22* Problem ================== When consume tiles are deleted, their associated config are not deleted. This causes inconsistent rebuilds when consume tiles have been changed, because instead of the config being re-created (and updated automatically), the existing config was picked up and used again which often caused consume tile errors. Solution ================== When a consume tile is deleted, mark it's config as 'pending update' so the next load re-validates and updates it as required. Leverage the Magic ==================================== A magical feature, no action by Data Magicians required. ADI ================== Zowie!, no more orphaned Consume Tiles that are out of sync with the Concept, Detail or Event Tiles. Customer ================== High five!, Consume Tiles are now rebuilt when I add a new Detail Tile. Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-03-02*