.. _2023-12-15-cloud-function-deployment---rate-limiting_release: ================================================================================= 2023-12-15 - Cloud Function Deployment - Rate Limiting ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: Bug-Squash* *Date: 2023-12-15* Problem ================== There is a rate limit for how many cloud functions we can deploy simultaneously. We started to hit the rate limit a few months back now that we are refreshing 32 cloud functions each release. Solution ================== Create a series of 'batch groups' with a short delay associated with them, then randomly assign all the cloud functions to a group at deployment time. This means that each batch is started at a different time and contains a subset of all the functions, meaning we can deploy all of them and keep within the rate limits. Leverage the Magic ==================================== We leverage (and extend) our pattern that automatically creates a deployment manifest for all the cloud functions, and tweak it slightly to create micro batches within the manifest. Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-03-02*