.. _2024-01-16-change-rules---using-a-view-as-an-'input-table'_release: ================================================================================= 2024-01-16 - Change Rules - Using a View as an 'Input Table' ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: Bug-Squash* *Date: 2024-01-16* Problem ================== If we are using a consume view in the given , pattern needs to check if its a view and clasify the ‘input type’ as a view in jinja to check for key and/or effective date (may not exists if the view is a metric) Otherwise we’re defaulting to an input type of table which isn't always correct. Solution ================== Small tweak to the jinja template , check if our source has an effective date, if it doesn't then exclude from the generated sql .. code-block:: jinja {% if "effective_date" not in config.source_columns|lower %} {# 04.01.2024 - bugfix for view on view with no effective date #} {{ " WHERE 1=1 " }} {%- else -%} Leverage the Magic ==================================== Our jinja templates which contain all the source to target patterns used to generate efficient BigQuery sql for creating and refreshing tables Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-03-02*