.. _2024-02-28-run-rule---from-rule-screen---take-2_release: ================================================================================= 2024-02-28 - Run Rule - from rule screen - Take 2 ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Preview* *Type: Bug-Squash* *Date: 2024-02-28* Problem ================== The run rule option from the rules and data-map screens was missing the logic to rebuild the target tile when the pending_rebuild flag was set. This flag is important, because it means the user has made a config change that results in a tile needing to be rebuilt. If the flag isnt checked then we end up running a rule that doesnt match the physical tile anymore. Solution ================== Deploy the pattern that checks for thee rebuild flag into the "Run Rule" endpoint Leverage the Magic ==================================== Our backend patterns that create tiles, run rules, update tiles Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-03-03*