.. _2023-03-27-geolocation-as-a-tenancy-deployment-feature_release: ================================================================================= 2023-03-27 - Geolocation as a Tenancy Deployment Feature ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: DataOps* *Date: 2023-03-27* Problem ================== By default, the private App and Data layers of Tenancies are deployed into the US Regions. This doesn't meet the data governance policies for some customers. Solution ================== Include a tenancy feature at deployment time which sets the geo-region for the customers Tenancies App and Data Layers. Leverage the Magic ==================================== Tenancy feature automates the deployment pattern to deploy into the requested geo-region. ADI ================== Right on!, we can deploy the Data and App planes to any Google Cloud region in the world. Customer ================== Superb!, we can use AgileData while complying with our Data Governance polices. Magician Partner =========================== Include BQ location as a tenancy feature to support non US projects (and harcode audit queries to always run in USas thats where core-prd is located) Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-03-02*