.. _2023-04-11-multi-file-drop-file-queuing_release: ================================================================================= 2023-04-11 - Multi File Drop File Queuing ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: DataOps* *Date: 2023-04-11* Problem ================== Sometimes Data Magicians drop lots of files at the same time causing upstream issues with appending and loading data. Solution ================== Deploy a file queue pattern that queues 1 to many dropped files then loads them sequentially. Leverage the Magic ==================================== Data Magicians can drop as many files as they like and they get managed automagically. ADI ================== Bazinga!, this is a truly magical pattern that takes care of file loading and appending data safely. Customer ================== On point!, I love being able to just upload all my data files in one go and and they get loaded safely. Magician Partner =========================== Deploy a new file queueing pattern which wraps the existing create_landing_table function, to handle multiple dropped files going into the same target. Files are queued into a separate storage bucket then de-queued one at a time back into the filedrop bucket. Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-03-02*