.. _2023-04-11-share-bigquery-public-datasets-in-other-tenancies_release: ================================================================================= 2023-04-11 - Share bigquery-public datasets in other Tenancies ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: DataOps* *Date: 2023-04-11* Problem ================== Importing public tiles into a Tenancy was a manual process. Solution ================== Leverage the exisitng pattern that imports shared tiles to import shared tiles from the Public Tenancy. Leverage the Magic ==================================== Data Magicians can just select a public tile from a list and that tile is imported into their own Tenancy. ADI ================== Whoot!, we are opening up access to all the useful public data we are collating. Customer ================== Yippe!, to be able to blend publically shared data with my own is brilliant! Magician Partner =========================== Merge the existing import bigquery-public dataset feature (for importing public tiles into a project) with the existing shared_projects tenancy feature (pattern used to recieve shared objects), now any public datasets/tables can be referenced and imported Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-03-02*