.. _2023-05-22-centralised-storage-of-commoin-change-rule-export-files_release: ================================================================================= 2023-05-22 - Centralised Storage of Commoin Change Rule Export Files ================================================================================= Release ================== *Status: Available* *Type: DataOps* *Date: 2023-05-22* Problem ================== Currently sharing exported rules files is a manual process with no centralised repository for the export files. Each Data Magician has their own copies of rules files that are exported/imported between Tenancies. Solution ================== Setup a common bucket that we can curate a master set of common rule exports that can be imported into any Tenancy Leverage the Magic ==================================== A magical feature, no action by Data Magicians required. ADI ================== Whoot!, that will make it easier to find and reuse rules in different Tenancies. Customer ================== mmmmm!, would be good if we could do this as well. Magician Partner =========================== We want to be able to share common sets of change rules between projects, for example the public eCommerce rules we use for demoing. By setting up a shared bucket and giving the projects access to it we can implement an 'import shared rules' feature in the app. Last Refreshed =========================== *Doc Refreshed: 2024-03-02*