Catalog - Tile Detail - Trust Rules¶
Trust Rules are data integrity checks that are automatically applied to each new row of data that is loaded into a Tile.
As well as user specified checks, the platform automagically applies a number of automated trust rules, automated system checks, for example checking business keys for uniqueness.
Creating or Updating Trust Rules¶
Open the tile detail for any tile and scroll down to the fields section and apply a trust rule to any field.

Viewing Trust Rules Results¶
From then on, any load into that tile will execute the applied trust rules, with the summary shown in the Trust section of the tile detail view

We can click on the trust rules passed/failed links to open the Trust Results screen ….

Trust Rule Exceptions¶
By clicking on a result notification with failed records we can see a list of the records that failed the trust rule

In this example, the trust rule applied to the lat (latitude) field was checking that the value is “zero or positive”, and we can see all the column values are negative values, which is why they have failed the trust rule