Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents

AgileData App Network Partner Orientation

Showing our AgileData Network Partners the magic of the AgileData App and AgileData Platform is important, we believe seeing is believing and trying helps in buying and selling.

We have put together these recommended steps to help AgileData Network Partners quickly understand how to leverage the Platform and App, by using it.

A number of the sections below are part of our Answer a Quick Question guide which provides a fastpath through the app.


You can automatically, push, pull, stream or manually drop data into the AgileData Platform.


Browse and Search for the data (Tiles) you need.

2 - View Tile Details

The tile details screen contains a number of areas which provide information about the tile and its underlying data. View a technical and business metadata for the data, by viewing the details of a Tile. It’s where we can see everything about a Tile (the data).

View Tile Detail


Design your customers business processes and data using business language, while they watch. Creates a Conceptual Data model, that you can use in Change rules to create the physical data model.

3 - Create Topic Canvas

Create a Conceptual data model, using the “who does what” pattern. Model the business interactively with your customers stakeholders and subject matter experts.

Create Topic Canvas


Create Change Rules that transforms the way data is stored, mapping the source data to the conceptual and physical data model and deriving new data fields. Low code way of doing the T in ELT.

4 - Create Concept and Detail Rules

Gone in 60 Seconds Guide:

Create Concept and Detail Rules

Gone in 60 Seconds Video

5 - Create Event Rules

Gone in 60 Seconds Guide:

Create Event Rules

Gone in 60 Seconds Video

6 - Create Trust Rules

Trust Rules are data integrity checks that are automatically applied to each new row of data that is loaded into a Tile.

Product Guide

7 - Create Metric View

Product Guide


8 - Consume on Consume Rules

Product Guide


9 - Union Consumes

Product Guide


10 - Import rules

Product Guide



Automation, monitoring, logging and maintaining the AgileData Platform. We automate everything we can so you (and we) don’t have to do manual data tasks.

Run Rules

Run a flow of rules from within the Data Map. One click to run forward and you can see what will be impacted before you do it.

Product Guide

Data Map


Monitor everything that is happening on the AgileData Platform. See what run successfully and what failed at a glance.

Product Guide

Notifications Alerts


Trust Rules Exceptions

Trust rule exceptions are reported on the notifications page and allow users to drill straight through to the records that didn’t meet the trust rule condition

Product Guide

Load History

Whenever we create or refresh a tile, we keep a log of the number of records loaded (or updated) into the tile, and which change rule was used, we also check for load volume anomalies and highlight them on the historical load graph.

Product Guide

Track and Trace

Track and Trace is just like tracking a parcel through the postal network … but, in our scenario we’re tracking a value through a data pipeline

Product Guide


Consume the data in any last mile tool. Use the data in the customers viz tool or your favourite analytics tool.

View data in Looker Studio

View the Consume Tiles in Looker Studio. Looker Studio is a no license viz and reporting option, it is pretty good.

Product Guide

Explore Data

The ‘Explore’ menu options allow you to quickly expose the tile in Looker Studio or Google Facets Dive for further exploration

Product Guide

Explore your data


Ask a natural language question, get the data to answer it. Your typical Text to SQL pattern.


Anything else we think is useful that doesnt fit above.

Auto Rules

Automated creation of Change Rules in one click. (and the tenancy level feature) Great for prototyping data, exposes new data in a Consume Tile quickly so you can access it with last mile tools, you should always loop back and Design the data.

Product Guide

Refer to the Auto Rules Guide

ML Rules

Create BigQuery ML models directly in a Change Rule. No need to go to the BQML screens to create and run advanced analytics models.

Product Guide

Examples of simple ML rules can be found in our partner tenancy >



Upload csv file (optional)

Manually upload a csv, excel or JSON files via the AgileData App. Great for prototyping.

Automatically Push files via Command Line Interface (optional)

Automatically push data to the AgileData Platform, via CLI and Google Cloud Storage. Perfect if the customer wants to push the data to you, rather than let you reach into their Environemnt and pull it.


Expand Preview (optional)

View a preview of the data and see the profile statistics. Great if you need a quick look at the data before you start working with it

Product Guide

Expand Fields to show Profile stats (optional)

Under the data preview (profile statictics) section we have the fields section which exapnds out to show the min and max values for all the fields in a tile, this is great way to get a good understanding of what the range of data in your tile is

Product Guide

Tile Detail - Fields

Add Tags (optional)

Tag Tiles with what ever you want to, so you can easily find them later. Great for grouping data by data domain, business unit, source system or flagging PII.

Product Guide

Add Context (optional)

Add and store additional text against a Tile, automatically versioned. Great for adding business context or notes you know you will need in six months tome when you touch this data again.

Product Guide