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2024-05-13 - Filedrop wildcard matching iteration


Status: Available

Type: App-Features

Date: 2024-05-13


The Filedrop Wildcard AutomatedAI uses a ‘like’ pattern to match dropped file names to exisiting Change Rules. When a file is dropped, we lookup the file name to see if we already have a Filedrop to Landing Change Rule, if one does not exist we create one.

This works well for simple name matches, but fails on complex name matching scenarios.


Enhance the Automated AI FileDrop WIldcard logic to use regexp_contains to match dropped file names to current Landing Change Rules.

This should include patterns like:



Route similar file names to different Landing Tiles for example:

magazine_subscriptions_2010_2020 > landing.subscriptions

magazine_subscriptions_2010_2020__summary > landing.subscriptions_summary

Leverage the Magic

When a file is dropped ADI’s AutomatedAI will now compare the file name to see if we have a Filedrop to Landing rule using enhanced REGEX expressions.

You can now use enhanced REGEX logic in the FileDrop Change Rules.



More files can be dropped with certainty.



I can create Filedrop Chnage Rules to deal with increasling complex files.

Magician Partner

Original Pattern:

SELECT landing_tile FROM config where state = 'active' AND source_object like 'filedrop/customers%'

Updated Pattern:

SELECT landing_tile FROM config where state = 'active' AND regexp_contains(r'filedrop/customers',source_object)

Last Refreshed

Doc Refreshed: 2024-05-23