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Filter Records

Sometimes you want to filter the records that are being stored as Detail for a Concept.

For example an address History table might hold multiple types for addresses, Home, Work etc and you want to apply a filter to only add the Home address as Detail.

If your looking to filter based on values in another History table, then this is not the Snippit for you. You need the multi-table-relationship-snip.

Rule Type Format

filter value

filter logic


Single Filter

Filters based on a single value.

The syntax is dependent on the Field type that you are filtering on.

Filter on Numeric

Rule Type = Field Filter

Rule Attribute = address_type = 2

Filter on Text

Rule Type = Field Filter

Rule Attribute = address_type = ‘Work’

Filter on Null

Rule Type = Field Filter

Rule Attribute = address_type is null

Rule Attribute = address_type is not null

Filter on Flags

Rule Type = Field Filter

Rule Attribute = address_type is True

Rule Attribute = address_type is not True

Rule Attribute = address_type is False

Multiple Filters

Filters based on more than one value.

Syntax is still dependent on the Field type.

The brackets are !important.


Rule Type = Field Filter

Rule Attribute = (address_type = 2 or address_type = 3)


Rule Type = Field Filter

Rule Attribute = (address_type = 2 and address_type = 3)