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Format Dates

Sometimes you want to change a date or date time value to show the date in a different format.

For example show it as 28-02-2019, 28/02/2019 or Feb-28 2019.

Alliance Rule Example:

Rule Type Format

FORMAT_DATE( ‘%d/%m/%Y’ , FieldName )

FORMAT_DATETIME( ‘%d/%m/%Y’ , FieldName )


PARSE_DATE( “%Y%m%d” , FieldName )

REGEXP_EXTRACT( FieldName , “[0-9]+[0-9]+[0-9]+[0-9]” )



Format Date Field - dd-mm-YYYY (28-02-2019)

Rule Type = Calculated Output Field

Rule Attribute = FORMAT_DATE( ‘%d/%m/%Y’ , FieldName )


  • 2019-28-02 becomes 28-02-2019

Format Date Field - YYYY-mm-dd (2019-02-28)

Rule Type = Calculated Output Field

Rule Attribute = FORMAT_DATE( ‘%Y/%m/%d’ , FieldName )


  • 28-02-2019 becomes 2019-28-02

Format Date:Time Field - dd-mm-YYYY (28-02-2019)

Rule Type = Calculated Output Field

Rule Attribute = FORMAT_DATETIME( ‘%Y-%m-%d’ , FieldName )


  • 2024-25-12:01:03:03 becomes 25-12-2024

Extract Month Number - dd-mm-YYYY (25-12-2024)

Rule Type = Calculated Output Field

Rule Attribute = EXTRACT(MONTH FROM FieldName)


  • 25-12-2024 becomes 12

Dates in Text Fields

If you have a field that has date values in it, but the field is not actually a date or date:time field, you can do a little text parsing to find a part of the date. This will look for the first 4 digit numeric sequence it can find in the text in the field.

Be aware that as the field is a text field, anything can be in that field, so this code is a little hit and miss.

Parse Date from Text Fields

Rule Type = Calculated Output Field

Rule Attribute = PARSE_DATE( ‘%Y%m%d’ , FieldName )


  • 20192802 becomes 28-02-2019

PARSE_DATE( ‘%Y%m%d’ , FieldName )

Parse part of a date from Text Fields

Rule Type = Calculated Output Field

Rule Attribute = REGEXP_EXTRACT(FieldName, ‘[0-9]+[0-9]+[0-9]+[0-9]’ )


  • ‘7/10/2004’ becomes ‘2004’

  • ‘1993, 1994’ becomes ‘1993’

  • ‘1998-Present’ becomes ‘1998’

  • ‘November 2005’ becomes ‘2005’

  • ‘13 and 14 Oct 2005’ becomes ‘2005’

  • 13/08/01 to 15/01/05 becomes null

Convert from Epoch

Some systems of capture store the date as a string based on the epoch

Rule Type = Calculated Output Field

Rule Attribute = TIMESTAMP_MILLIS(FieldName)


  • 1587096281476 becomes 2020-04-17 04:04:41.476 UTC