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Create Topic Canvas

1. Create New Topic Canvas

Topic canvases are how we create the conceptual data model before we create physical data model.

Use the Design then Topic Canvas menu to access the Topic Canvas.

The first time we go into that screen it will be blank as we have not created any Topic Canvas yet.

Create a New Canvas using the New Canvas button.

ADI will pop out and ask you for the name of your Topic Canvas, input a name that relates to the data domain or core business processes you are about to model and click Create Canvas .

For example, we are creating a conceptual model for a “user placing an order”, so I create a topic Canvas called User Orders.

The Topic Canvas can be renamed at any time.

2. Create Conceptual Modelling

The next step is to populate the Topic Canvas with the conceptual model

Topic Canvas are comprised of a number of core business Concepts that are related via core business Events.

No core business Concepts exist yet, so we need to create draft Concept Tiles. Draft tiles are conceptual Tiles.

Create User Concept Tile

To do that, we click on the Concept area, input name a Concept name, in this case User , then select Who from the drop down, and finally click Create.

You will see a new Draft tile turn up on the right side.

Create Order Concept Tile

We also want to create an additional Concept, for Order, which is a What.

We have created 2 Draft Concept Tiles that will eventually store all the Users (in User tile) and all the Orders (in Order tile).

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